Understanding the Benefit of Primary Coverage for International Travel

Medical expenses abroad may work a bit differently than within the United States. A travel protection plan with primary coverage for accident and sickness medical expenses can help make the claims process faster and easier!


Domestic vs International

Traveling within the United States: You typically give your provider your health insurance information and the claim is submitted for you.

Traveling Internationally: You may not be asked for your health insurance information, so it's up to you to submit claims.

FYI: In most cases, Medicare won't cover international medical expenses. Submit your claim directly to Travel Insured to help save yourself time.


Cruise ships could be in international waters, and therefore medical expenses on board may be treated as they would outside of the U.S. Consider keeping this in mind and check with your cruise line to find out more.


Claims Process Comparison

When you don't have primary coverage for medical expenses through your travel protection plan, the process has more steps.

When a travel protection plan's medical expense coverage...

Pays on a primary basis:

  1. Submit to your Travel Insured
  2. Get eligible costs reimbursed

Pays on a secondary basis:

  1. Submit to your primary provider(s)
  2. Get eligible costs reimbursed
  3. Submit to your supplemental provider(s)
  4. Get remaining eligible costs reimbursed


Why Choose Primary Coverage?

If your travel protection plan pays for medical expenses on a primary basis, this can help your claims to be processed and paid more quickly. It may take longer to get your medical costs reimbursed with multiple providers involved. If your Travel Insured plan provides medical expense coverage on a primary basis, then there won't be several parties to go through, and your claim could be processed faster.


Reading Your Documents

Before your trip, it's important to read through and familiarize yourself with the Plan Document. Consider bringing your Confirmation of Benefits with you on your trip. If you're still unsure about your coverage, feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help!


Certain Travel Insured plans are subject to an Excess Insurance Limitation, meaning that insurance benefits are paid in excess of all insurance or indemnity.