Travel Medical Protector


The following benefits are payable, up to the maximum benefit amount shown in the Confirmation of Benefits.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

  • Transportation expenses will be paid for if it medically necessary to be transported to a hospital or medical facility to treat an unforeseen sickness or injury, and adequate medical treatment is not available in the immediate area.
  • If you are traveling alone and will be hospitalized for more than 7 consecutive days and won't be medically evacuated, benefits will be paid to transport one person of your choice for a single visit to and from your bedside.
  • If you are in the hospital for more than 7 consecutive days and your dependent children (under 18) who are accompanying you on your trip are left unattended, transportation will be paid to return them to their home (with an attendant, if considered necessary by the authorized travel assistance company).

Medical Repatriation

Transportation expenses will be paid for if it medically necessary to return to your primary place of residence or to a hospital or medical facility closest to your place of residence.

Return of Remains

In the event of your death during a trip, the expense will be paid for minimally necessary casket or air tray, preparation, and transportation of your remains to your primary place of residence or to the place of burial.

Coverage and benefit eligibility may vary by state.