Travel Insured's definition of a Terrorist Incident:

“Terrorist Incident” means an act of violence, other than civil disorder or riot (that is not an act of war, declared or undeclared) that results in loss of life or major damage to property, by any person acting alone or in association with other persons on behalf of or in connection with any organization of foreign government which is generally recognized as having the intent to overthrow or influence the control of any other foreign government. The Terrorist Incident must be documented in a Travel Warning issued by the United States' Department of State advising Americans to avoid that certain country.

Learn more about Trip Cancellation and Interruption reasons and covered costs.

If I have a travel protection plan, can I cancel my trip due to an act of terrorism?

If the U.S. State Department deems a terrorist attack within 30 days of your scheduled departure date in a city listed on your itinerary of your trip, and the city has not experienced a Terrorist Incident within the 90 days prior to the Terrorist Incident that is causing the cancellation of your trip, you may be eligible for Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, or Travel Delay benefits.

If you buy a travel protection plan after the State Department puts out a travel alert, you are not eligible for cancellation benefits for that particular incident.

Cancel for Any Reason

Our Worldwide Trip Protector plan offers the Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) benefit as an optional upgrade, which allows you to cancel your trip for any reason other than a listed covered reason. In other words, if an incident is not officially declared to be an act of terror, you wouldn't be eligible for cancellation benefits unless you have CFAR. Fear is not a covered reason, so if you’re worried about traveling you may want to consider purchasing a plan with CFAR.

Some examples to help explain coverage for terrorist attacks:

  1. You booked a trip to your destination and 2 weeks before you’re supposed to depart, there is a terrorist incident there. You’ll be eligible to cancel your trip because you purchased the plan before the incident and it occurred within 30 days of your trip dates.
  2. A terrorist incident occurred at your destination before you booked your trip and the State Department released a travel alert. At that point you purchased a travel protection plan. Because you purchased after the official incident, you would not be eligible to cancel for that specific terrorist incident.
  3. You are already at your destination when a terrorist incident occurs. You will be eligible to get Trip Interruption benefits if you leave the trip early. Additionally, our assistance partner will help with arranging your trip home.
  4. A terrorist incident happened at your destination 32 days before your arrival. Because the incident occurred more than 30 days before your trip dates, it would not be a covered reason for cancellation (unless you have the Cancel for Any Reason benefit).
  5. Your destination is in Country A, but you have a layover at Country B's airport. If a terrorist incident occurs in Country B (a city listed on your itinerary), you may be eligible for Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, or Travel Delay benefits.

Travel Insured releases statements regarding current events and how they may affect your travel coverage.

Each statement mentions the date of the incident and other criteria to be eligible for benefits.

We cannot predict when or where an act of terror will occur, which is why it’s important to consider travel protection for every trip. Check the State Department’s website to see all travel alerts and warnings. You should avoid traveling to these places when possible. No matter where you're traveling to it is important to be aware of your surroundings and report anything that seems suspicious.